10 Marketing Trends to Boost Your Business in 2023

The marketing world is ever-changing, and it can be difficult for professionals to keep up in the fast moving world of marketing. This is why it is so important to keep up with e-commerce trends, experiment with such marketing tactics, and implement novel ideas and campaigns to gain a competitive edge within your industry, and grow your respective business.

This blog covers the trends of 2023 that matter most, and that your business should be paying attention to. We referenced Shopify’s article titled, “10 Marketing Trends to Boost Your Business in 2023” by Lizzie Davey, to provide this blueprint.

What are marketing trends?

“Marketing trends are activities or strategies that brands put into practice to stay relevant in their industry. Trends are usually inspired by the latest technology or the changing needs of consumers, and they help brands stay up to date while trying new things.” -Lizzie Davey

Why are marketing trends important?

As Davey mentions, marketing trends are known to align closely with consumer interests, and desires. When businesses adhere to these needs, they help themselves stay relevant to their target audience(s). Additionally, paying attention to digital marketing trends in 2023 will help brands build credibility and solidify their expertise, as it shows they consider consumers’ wants, and essentially know what the future of their industry looks like. By testing these trends, businesses will be able to see what resonates with their consumers and gets them to fulfill a call to action.

How do the trends of a particular time period affect marketing?

While you shouldn’t keep changing your marketing strategy with every new emerging trend, experimenting with different tactics at different times does not hurt, and can show you what works best for your customers. It is important to keep track of what works and what doesn’t so you can continue to create your marketing strategy in a way that suits your business and customers.

How to keep up with digital marketing trends

Here’s how you can keep up with marketing trends.

  • Track trends on social media:

    Schedule time to check what’s trending on social media and notice if there are any patterns in the type of content that seems to be most popular.

  • Engage with your customers:

    Ask your audience what they want to see from you and what expectations they have from their favorite brands.

  • Connect with industry experts:

    Follow credible marketing blogs and read industry magazines to learn about trends as soon as they emerge.

  • Check what your competition is doing:

    Keep a close eye on the marketing strategies of your competitors.

10 marketing trends for 2023

Below is a list that complies the top 10 trends that are currently shaping the marketing world. From the rise of short video content and micro-influencer marketing, to push notifications and social commerce, these trends will help you build modern and relevant marketing strategies.

1. Videos will be kept short

Short, snappy content will win in 2023. The prevalence of TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts shows consumers want fast-paced, easy-to-digest content from their favorite brands. Consumers’ average attention-span is represented through this trend as well.

2. Brands will tap into micro-influencers

In 2023, brands will be forging long-term connections with relevant micro-influencers as part of their influencer marketing to build bigger communities and increase customer trust and loyalty.

3. Mobile optimization will become indispensable

Consumers are glued to their phones more than ever—and an increasing number are not just spending more time on their devices, they’re spending more money via them too.

4. Blogging will be here to stay

Blogging isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Not only does content marketing help increase brand credibility and drive conversions, but it’s one of the most common ways for consumers to discover new brands.

5. Direct messaging will grow as a customer service tool

Consumers are spending an increasing amount of time on messaging apps. As a result, these apps have evolved to allow more than just an ongoing back-and-forth between friends or a way to make impromptu dinner plans, and are now a viable customer service channel at the forefront of conversational marketing. It offers a more authentic line of communication than email and is often faster than picking up the phone.

6. Storytelling will become more visual

Consumers prefer visual content to plain text, plus it is more memorable. In 2023, brands will create rich visual experiences on their sites by adding product videos, infographics, user-generated content, and interactive images.

7. Push notifications will allow brands to reach out to customers

Giving customers instant answers to their purchasing questions removes any friction from the buying journey and provides them with personal touchpoints that gently push them through the sales cycle.

In 2023, on-demand conversations will become even more proactive, with brands using push notifications to connect with shoppers. Distracted shoppers will be reengaged with a push notification that directs them to relevant content, serves personalized product suggestions, or offers an incentive to return to the app or store.

8. Featured snippets will become more important

The recent announcement of Google’s continuous scrolling on desktop means there’s no first page, second page, or 10th page anymore. As a result, everyone is clamoring to be positioned as high as possible in search results.

Traditional search results, however, are no longer shown above the fold. Instead, they’re tucked away beneath the featured snippet and the People Also Asked section. This will force brands to ensure their content ranks in these highly visible sections so they can stand out and capture the attention of consumers.

9. Social commerce will be a game-changer

In 2023, more brands will connect their social media channels with their e-commerce sites and sell their products directly through these platforms.

10. Email marketing will not die

Contrary to popular belief, email marketing isn’t on the decline.

It’s one of the only digital marketing strategies brands are totally in control of—unlike social media channels that can change on the whims of the platform providers, brands have complete ownership over their subscriber lists.



Madison Jackson

Madison is a recent graduate from Texas Christian University, and a new graduate student at the University of Southern California. While taking online classes, she works as as a Digital Marketing and Social Media Associate here at GSATi. Madison is very creative and enjoys branding and content creation. She helps with developing campaigns and websites for our clients and ensuring they have a positive, online brand image. She looks forward to utilizing her skills in her first professional role!


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