With countless tech innovations, changing trends, and historic moments, it’s been a bit of a crazy year trying to keep up with all that’s changed and grown around us. As 2019 rapidly approaches, we look ahead to see what’s in store for the new year. How is our operating environment going to change? What are we keeping from last year? New surprises lie ahead for marketers in 2019. Let’s dive in to the top marketing trends for 2019!

Video, video, VIDEO.

We’ve said this a few times this past year AND last year, however it seems that the story remains the same: video is the way to go. At this point, over 70% of all shareable/promotional content online contains video material. This can be anything from text summary videos, interviews, memes, you name it. This year, try using videos to tell your brand’s story, whether it be staff bios, the history of your business, or information about an industry-related topic.

Keep Things Personal - The Human Connection

During a SproutSocial summit this year, Social Media Professor at HubSpot Crystal King noted that the Human Connection will be one of the top ways to efficiently connect with the consumer. Today’s audiences care about hearing testimonials from relatable individuals more than a brand pitch these days. Find the story within your business that’s sure to tug at heartstrings, like serving a family in need, or giving back to your community in a way that relats to your business mission. Showing the more vulnerable, personal side of the brand makes for a more transparent, “acceptable” brand.

Retailers: Check out the sales features available under social media apps and snag shoppers on the go.

Social Shopping on the Rise

Social Shopping in 2018 skyrocketed in user numbers compared to previous years. With the ability to combine product sales, images, and customer reviews all in one place, more and more entrepreneurs, small businesses, etc., are turning to social media for sales services. If you are a retailer, we highly recommend checking out the sales features available under social media apps like Instagram.

Interactive Content

Much like video content, interactive content is on the rapid climb of becoming some of the most useful content out there to produce. According to snappapp, over 90% of users say they want more visual and interactive content. This can be anything as simple as a quick, fun quiz, or as complicated as surveys or a savings calculator. Whatever you can create to encourage the user to interact with your content and potentially make a purchase or schedule a service.

SMM Personalization - Personal and Unique!

Common customer service knowledge indicates one absolution: customers love catered service. From retail to restaurants, we know that customers feel more appreciated and therefore have a more positive experience all around when we provide personalized, catered services. This rings true for marketing as well, and is more apparent then one would think. Look to personalization giants like Netflix or YouTube, who curate related content lists for their users based on algorithms that help filter out content the user may not want to watch, or may really want to enjoy. Practice these methods in your own marketing through retargeted campaigns, “You Might Also Like” recommendation filters, or try out a good old fashioned personalized quiz.

In Conclusion

We’ve watched the marketing industry change what feels like quite drastically over the last year. It’s like the tumultuousness of 2018 created a giant rift of change within our audiences and the industry itself. Consumers are ready for change in the form of transparency and working for good - don’t miss out on this opportunity to step up your game and grow your business in 2019.

Danielle Longueville

A Dentonite since 2010, Danielle has an eclectic professional background of networking, marketing, event planning, and digital marketing and production, all within the DFW area.


